
Welcome to the Web Site of the Medway Branch of CAMRA - The Campaign for Real Ale

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Thank you to the branch members who took the time to vote for the Medway CAMRA Pub Of The Year (POTY) for 2025.

The top five pubs from the voting for the 2026 Good Beer Guide ((10:50 From Victoria, The Kings Arms, The Who'd Ha' Thought It, Prince of Ales and The Coopers Arms) went forward to the 2025 POTY (it’s done this way due to CAMRA timeframes).

Voting was very close, and we’re very pleased to announce the Prince of Ales has taken the title for 2025, closely followed by The Who'd Ha' Thought It as runners-up. Our congratulations go to Karl Martin and his team at the Prince of Ales. It’s the first time the Micropub has been awarded the prestigious title, won with consistently high-quality ale and a friendly intimate atmosphere. We’re sure Karl will be pleased and proud of this accolade.

We will let branch members know when the certificates will be presented.